Sunday, December 19, 2010

favorite christmas sing along songs‏

back in june, while we were up north visitin the fame-o-lee in minnesota-land, we wuz hikin thru the woods own the hilltop uv sibley park, when we moseyed own by a group uv folks havin sum sort uv a picnic outin er somethin. they awl started a hollerin four me two come own over n take a picture four them, which i willingly obliged. they sure nuff wuz a friendly n all excitable kinda group.

they handed me their camera n once they finished explainin how two works awl the do-dads, i teld them that i wood be countin two three n then say cheeze n they awl should smile reel big n then i'd click their pic.

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . cheeeeezzze

n here they dun turned that pic intwo a christmas card jest four us n they iz mighty proud uv their artistic akomplishment:
(click own the pic two enlarge. ya gotta see awl the details . . .)

back row, left two right: red green, bubba tex (he's a wannabe cowboy, big time), JD, 12 strang
front row, left two right: LuLu Pizzarea RN, BK Ryder, Dr Brew Zerr PhD, DB elGatos RN

HEY DOC, r u sure that u should be feedin them folks beer???

turns out that DOC iz quite the comedian (once upon a time, he actually wuz a patient there at happy valley
psyche center). he haz awl his patients trained that everytime they passes gas, they haz two say "CHEEZE" n vice versa. that explains why when i wuz preparin two take their pic they awl a started a gigglin n a carryin own so. after i counted two three they awl simutaneously CUT ONE!!! even DOC!!! n it wuz the most raunchiest rankest odor that i haz ever in my life experienced. BUT also the funniest experience uv my life. we were rollin own the ground gaspin four breath n laughin sooo hard that we nearly passed rite own out. they sure nuff must eat a hole lotta beans everday!!! once the brown haze lifted own up intwo the atmosphere we noticed that awl them beautiful green trees there in the background head wilted n turned brown. probably still r brown two this day. n awl them there folks just a kept a hootin n a hollerin like it wuz the biggest joke ever. what a bunch uv characters!!!

sooo, we spent a little time gettin two know them awl n really did have us a truly enjoyable time. turns out that the DOC n his staff there at happy valley
psyche center haz a workforce development program where awl uv the residents works in a vittles pantry n soup kitchen, feedin the needy. it iz a truly heart-warmin service that they provides two the community. so we started makin regular charitable contributions two happy valley n they dun added us two their mailin list, sendin us a monthly newsletter tellin uv awl their events n activities.

one uv their most favorite acitivites occurs every tuesday n friday nite. awl uv the residents there at happy valley participate in a fun-filled karaoke evening. it iz the most anticipated event uv each n every week.
they awl took a vote own their most favorite christmas sing-along song.

n the #1 most sung song iz:

followed closely in second place:

n the third most favorite sing-along:

honorable mention goes two:

ain't that jest somethin now!!!

hope y'all enjoyed this little glimpse intwo that holler place in my head . . . LOL
pig swamp holler, that iz.
i'm bAAAaaaaack,
luv y'all . . .


  1. Deuw! Didn't we have that Santa Mouse song on a 45 when we were kids? I wonder where all of those went...

  2. biker mama: HILAROUS! Love the pic. ha
    December 21, 2010

  3. karla kay: Love the pic!!!! Too funny! ;)
    Tue, 21 Dec 2010

  4. kristie: You are soooo crazy! Thanks for the smiles, and a most Very Merry Christmas to you and yer'uns!
    Thu, 23 Dec 2010
